The straw tinted glass with wide shallow bowl, moulded with fourteen ribs and undulating rim, set on a tall multi-knopped wrythen-moulded hollow stem formed of three globular knops over an inverted baluster, over a conical foot.
The straw tint is characteristic of much Spanish glass of the 16th and 17th centuries.

Musée national de la Renaissance, Château d’Écouen, France
A very similar glass with the same straw tint and form is in the collection of the Musée national de la Renaissance, Château d’Écouen, France, where it is described as ‘Venice? or Façon de Venise’, second half of the 16th century.
British Private Collection
A wine glass of similar tint and undulating rim from the Overduin Collection was sold by Bonhams on 21 May 2014, lot 34