Rose sprays in high relief are amongst the earliest forms of decoration used at Meissen. The individual leaves, branches, flowers and buds are each applied by hand. Such decoration occurs on Böttger stoneware made in the first three years of the factory such as on the vase illustrated here.

Bottger stoneware in the manner of Johann Jakob Irminger, 1710-13
The Zwinger Dresden PE 795

Private Collection (Pietsch 1993, pp. 40-41, fig. 25)
A teapot with the same moulded decoration has traces of the cold-painted decoration that, again, was only used in the earliest period before enamel colours were mastered. The kiln accretion to the underside of the foot is another indication of an early date.
Chips to finial and rim of cover restored, kiln accretion to foot
The Collection of Georg Tillmann
Pietsch 1993
Ulrich Pietsch, Early Meissen Porcelain. A Private Collection, (Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, 1993)