Of moulded form, incised with a striking design of radiating lines and zigzags centred around an eight-pointed star, glazed over the pale buff body with vibrant glazes of green, orange, blue, black and white. The reverse with a pale straw glaze and a moulded ring for suspension.
The blocks of colour are separated either by channels formed by a cuerda seca technique or simply knife-cut partitions.
We have only been able to find two other closely related examples of this distinct group of hafner-ware dishes, one in the MAK Vienna, and the other illustrated in black and white in the Lanna collection, Prague.
Hafner literally translates as stove maker and is the German name for the potters working with lead glazes mostly in the stove tile industry. Certain potters specialised in making decorative vessels and dishes using the same techniques.
Fine radiating cracks stabilised
‘Sammlung des Freiherrn Adalbert von Lanna, Prague’, Rudolph Lepke’s Kunst-Auctions-Haus, Berlin, 9-16 November 1909, lot 591
Price: £32,000